Stationery Sales
It is possible to print one book or as many as required at any given time. Regardless of the quantity printed, superior quality is guaranteed. Book covers and binding options: hard cover, soft cover, perfect bind or wire bind, depending on your requirements and budget.
Our full color printing expertise will make your annual report stand out! Your annual reports and high-end corporate identification material can be printed with many different color formats, sizes and styles. Your superior quality annual reports will be a positive reflection of your company. According to our experience, we are to provide the best possible quality printing with a specific attention to detail that won’t be found anywhere else.

Shreeji Back to School
We get involved in the process of creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers’ mind, whether its a business to business design or a business to customer design mainly through advertising campaigns. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers. To create a “Brand” for a company we bring out the corporate identity on stationery, office equipment, company vehicles & any other product that carry company’s image.
Customer Service
Customer care can play a key role in increasing customer satisfaction and enhanced customer retention. In a competitive environment, customer service is an important means of differentiation from competitors and of customer loyalty. This what keeps our clients coming back at Shreeji Stationers 2009.

Printing Services
- Commercial Printing
- Brochures
- Books
- Leaflets
- Posters
- Stickers